ssPowerTools for IE

IE Context Menu Power Toolset

2008-03-26: UPDATE

ssPowerTools is here for history only.

Last time I worked on it was 2004, and I've been developing/debugging with Firefox and Chris Pederick's great Web Developer and Joe Hewitt's awesome Firebug extensions as much as possible since then.  Do the same and enjoy web development again!

What it is

ssPowerTools for IE is a context menu addon for Internet Explorer.  It provides advanced tools for web developers and power users who want or need to dig deeper into a page as it is loaded.


I'm a big fan of power tools like this.  I've collected and used a lot over the years, including Microsoft's original Web Accessories and Web Developer Accessories, Matt Kruse's great IE Context Menu Toolset, and IE Booster (back when it was free and more open), and also various custom tools of my own making.  There are also many bookmarklets/favelets I use (and wade through), like the JavaScript Interpreter Bookmarklet (a sort of Javascript command prompt for running ad-hoc script on anyone's pages).

The problem I had is that IE's context menu gets cluttered with them, and I "lose" tools the long list.  I wanted a better way to organize them.  So after research and much labor, ssPowerTools for IE was born, and my context menu is now much more manageable.


Planned Features



  1. Download it here & save somewhere on your hard drive.
  2. Extract the files somewhere (run the .exe file).
  3. Install it by running ssPowerTools_install.bat or .vbs.
  4. Restart Internet Explorer.  When you right-click, you'll see the new menu item.


ssPowerTools for IE is still actively evolving, so there may be some bugs (nothing bit that I know of right now).  Send me detailed bug info & I'll do my best to fix it.  I'm also very interested in suggestions for feature improvements/additions.


-Rob (@slingfive) Eberhardt, Slingshot Solutions
Use freely, but be honest about it.  I just ask for credit.
